Gloria, by Branden Jacobs Jenkins, directed by April Sweeney, ManiACTS, Freiburg, Germany, July 20-31, 2023.
I DIGRESS, The Intimate Insights of a Childhood Weirdo: Episodes 1-4, by Sauda Jackson directed by April Sweeney.
Episode 2 & 3, Prelude Festival 2023, October 12, 2023
Episode 2, New York City Indie Theater Film Festival, February 16, 2023
Episode 2, Glass Breakers Film Festival 3, June 3,2023
We Are Pussy Riot Or Everything is PR, by Barbara Hammond, Colgate University, March 3-8, 2023.
Fauna, by Romina Paula, translated by April Sweeney and Brenda Werth. Torn Page, NY, NY, September 16-October 1, 2022.
I DIGRESS, The Intimate Insights of a Childhood Weirdo: Episodes 1-4 written by Sauda Jackson directed by April Sweeney.
Episode 1, Hi-ARTS Outdoor Film Festival, NY, NY, July 6, 2022.
Episode 1, Arts at the Palace, Hamilton, NY, September 8-26, 2021
Medea by Euripides, translated by Christopher Martin, Syracuse Stage, Syracuse, NY, June 4-7, 2020, directed by April Sweeney.
I DIGRESS: The Intimate Insights of a Childhood Weirdo by Sauda Jackson, SFX Festival, Grey Spaces: Rally, Wild Project, New York, NY, January 19, 2020, directed by April Sweeney.
Antigone by Sophocles, translated by Anne Carson, Colgate University, March 6-10, 2020, directed by April Sweeney, composed by Paul Pinto, music direction Rob Kolb.
Avalon by Melody Bates, directed by Joan Jubett Bauer, Laura Butler Rivera, and April Sweeney, Stonington Opera House, Stonington, Maine, August 15-25, 2019.
Dance Nation by Clare Baron, Colgate University, November 1-6, 2019, directed by April Sweeney.
HamiltoNY devised by April Sweeney and Saviana Stanescu, Arts at the Palace, November 7, 2018, directed by April Sweeney.
R & J & Z by Melody Bates, Colgate University, March 2-9, 2018, directed by April Sweeney.
PMURT, a performance-lecture by Kevin Doyle, directed by April Sweeney, Vooruit Theater, Ghent, Belgium, May 20, 2017.
A Map of Virtue by Erin Courtney, Colgate University, March 4-10, 2016, directed by April Sweeney.
An Evening of Chautauqua: The Music Room and Other Stories by Hugh Humphreys, Earlville Opera House, Earlville, NY June 21-22, 2014, directed by April Sweeney.
Atardecer 43 and Un viaje inesperado, directed by April Sweeney, Teatro Comunitario Villa Traful, Neuquén Argentina, SUM, Villa Traful and Espacio del Cuerpo, San Martín de los Andes, November 1 & 9, 2014.
1500 Meter Above Jack’s Level by Federico Leon, North American premiere, Colgate University, October 2010, directed by April Sweeney.
She, and the Empty Living Room, El Taller Latino Americano & the undergroundzero festival, NYC, July 2008, written and directed by April Sweeney.
She, and the Empty Living Room, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2007, written and directed by April Sweeney.
Fauna by Romina Paula, translated by April Sweeney and Brenda Werth, An Evening with Romina Paula, Martin E. Segal Center for Theater Research, CUNY, NY, December 9, 2019, directed by April Sweeney.
I DIGRESS: The Intimate Insights of a Childhood Weirdo by Sauda Jackson, work in progress showing, Wunderbar, Syracuse, NY, April 27, 2019, directed by April Sweeney.
Admissions by Joshua Harmon, COLD READ Festival, Syracuse Stage, March 8, 2019, directed by April Sweeney.
I DIGRESS: The Intimate Insights of a Childhood Weirdo by Sauda Jackson, work in progress showing, Dixon Place, New York City, January 19, 2019, directed by April Sweeney.
SUADA + RUBY by Sauda Jackson, Little Theater at Dixon Place, April 9, 2018, directed by April Sweeney.
Detroit by Lisa D’Amour, Arts at the Palace, Hamilton, NY, September 2016, directed by April Sweeney.
The Coleman’s Family Omission by Claudio Tolcachir, Arts at the Palace, Hamilton, NY, October 2016, directed by April Sweeney.
NYC Women's Fund for Media, Music, and Theatre award by the City of New York Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) in association with the New York Foundation of the Arts (NYFA), I DIGRESS: The Intimate Insights of a Childhood Weirdo (Sauda Jackson, April Sweeney & Team I DIGRESS)
New York Council on the Arts (NYSCA), I DIGRESS: The Intimate Insights of a Childhood Weirdo (Sauda Jackson, April Sweeney & Team I DIGRESS)
NEA 2018 Literature Translation Fellowship in collaboration with Brenda Werth
to translate Argentine playwright Romina Paula’s Fauna
NEH Summer Seminar 2015, Juried Participant Latin American Theater Today: Social and Political Impact on Aesthetics, Theatricality and Performance.
OUR TOWN: Theater Documents, Arts at The Palace, Hamilton, NY
A hybrid performance cycle where four artists from various disciplines connect to community member(s) to explore a question, document, skill, or obsession. The cycle seeks to connect the community through a curious investigation of their collective stories and life experiences by building a bridge between audience, community and artists through shared experiences.
CRISIS: DECADE 1, International Stages 2016-2017 Arts at The Palace, Hamilton, NY
A contemporary play reading series. Three plays from across the globe exploring themes of family, economic and mid-life crisis performed together by professional actors, community members and students. The Coleman’s Family Omission (Argentina), Detroit (USA), Peggy Pickett Sees the Face of God (Germany).
LONETHEATER, undergroundzero festival, NYC
Five site-specific, NYC urban interventions performed for one audience member at a time created by Matías Umpierrez. The project explored ancient theater forms of storytelling and the ways the solitary journey opens limitless possibilities for the city itself. Later programmed by BOOM Arts, Portland, (OR), May 2015.